Chris Shaw - Cross stitch card

Having moved to West Bridgford over 25 years ago, I have seen it grow and change.  My two boys - now men – no longer need the full time services of a mother and my life now has a completely different set of interests and rhythms.  My semi-professional singing still continues locally and nationally;
I present day and evening classes in such diverse subjects as Opera, Musicals and Gilbert and ; Sullivan for the WEA; I am a member of two U3As, where I present Opera and learn how to paint!; I chair pre-retirement courses for the NPRC; I am local secretary for the performers union, Equity.

Taken up as a hobby not done since childhood, cross stitch card making has now blossomed into a creative feast of ideas - colours, designs and inventions which have given me much satisfaction and I hope will give others the pleasure of sending a message, to friends or family, that is truly unique. 


Each design of between 1,500 and 3,000 individual stitching actions has a sparkle hidden somewhere in the picture, some not as subtle as others!  Be it a special event or just a note, there are a whole host of designs and new ones are being added all the time.  My email address is  Keep an eye out for them in Heidi’s or contact me direct.